Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Respite from the Craziness

I hope this post find you all well. My days have been crazy lately, so I am trying to think of what to write without it being a four-page blog. So...where to start...I'll give you my last few days in simplified form:
Monday - First official day of being 36. Started second week of homeschooling. The girls were amazingly cooperative and did a great job! Left after schoolwork to go deliver some books and the car computer decided that it did not like me anymore. The entire dash lit up like a Christmas tree and then the car cut out. Thankfully it did crank again and was driven straight to the mechanic. Then the rain came and I was unable to put out books due to rain. ugh!!! Started my blog and my search for a new direction.
Tuesday - Second day of blog met with email from past date asking about said blog. Brings back memories of past dates and what they would think of my blog. Homeschooling today was tougher...the girls decided school is harder this year. Who would have guessed?! Spoke to mechanic to find that the ignition switch was near death in the car and had to be replaced...went ahead and began to plan memorial for the $300 it would cost to repair car.
The evening did end wonderfully...had a great date night. A guy that I actually went out with for the first time about a week ago and had known for the last few months. Incredible dinner followed by fried strawberries (can you say amazing!!) This was our second date and happy to say will not be our last. More blogs to come on this guy for sure :-)
Wednesday - Wake up from blissful sleep filled with sweet thoughts of my wonderful date the eve before to find my mom sick as a dog. Schoolwork was a nightmare..."School is hard" "I'm tired today" and other mumblings ensue but are met with my determination that my children will be schooled. LOL Have a great birthday lunch with one of my best pals, and leave my girls with her for the afternoon. Talk mom into going to the dr to find that she is as sick as she feels and then off to fill her rx. (See moms aren't always right! This time the daughter was...she needed to see the dr) End the evening with an IM from another past date (now good friend) to find out where he ranked on my scale of men. He informs me that I must have left him off my list. Hmmmmm...Oh yeah, and my oldest daughter's computer decided it was sick of schoolwork and is on the verge of a revolt. To quote a friend "I think I'm cursed."
So what does tomorrow hold for me? A meeting to prepare for another home school meeting, take the girls to the library, placing an almost non-existent order for my clients (no shopping for me any time soon), and then home to get ready for my 3rd date with Mr. Dream Date.
But what is this single home school mom in search of tonight? A respite from the craziness...computers that work, cars that love me and use less gas, schoolwork that is engaging and fun, a tidal wave of cosmetic orders, a well mother, and a meeting that shows us home school moms stick together and enjoy what we do!
P.S. And another great date :-)


  1. Great job, Kari!! A good way for people to get to know each other better!! Isn't it funny that the guys want to know where they are ranked---and we are the vain ones!! lol
    I am sending out good karma to you!! Love, Terri

  2. Thanks hon. I need all the good karma I can get. Love ya bunches!!!
